
Applications of Titanium Surgical Clips in Modern Procedures

Titanium is a biophilic metal, which is not harmful to the human body when left in the body. Therefore, titanium surgical clips are safe and reliable for the human body. Titanium surgical clips are mainly used for clamping intracorporeal tissues during laparoscopic surgery, and are suitable for ligating internal blood vessels and wounds. Today we would like to introduce you to the use of titanium surgical clips.

ESD Wound Closure

For large ESD wounds, the wound is usually not closed, but for small ESD wounds with delayed risk, the wound needs to be closed with titanium surgical clips, which is mainly to prevent delayed hemorrhage and delayed perforation of ESD wounds. For ESD wounds that are too large and still require closure, the option of applying titanium surgical clips nylon rope method of closure is required.

Ulcers with Bleeding

For upper gastrointestinal bleeding ulcer with bleeding, such as gastric angle, gastric sinus, etc. If the area is small, the wound can be closed directly with titanium surgical clips. For larger bleeding ulcers (exposed vessels), it is possible to apply clips on both sides of the bleeding site to stop the bleeding.

Duchenne Bleeding

Since bleeding in Duchenne is rapid but the lesion is hidden or small, direct hemostasis with titanium surgical clips is generally preferred and is a very effective treatment for Duchenne. Unless endoscopic hemostasis fails and surgical management is required, most Duchenne diseases can still be successfully hemostatized endoscopically.


These techniques are the newest and most popular endoscopic techniques in recent years. Titanium surgical clips are mainly used for wound closure, whereas for POEM, STER, and EFR, the process of closure is simply clamping, with the clips in the right position, forceful, and with moderate density. The closure of NOTES is relatively more difficult because both the mucosal and muscular layers have to be sutured.

Assisted localization

For smaller lesions, such as small-scaled progressive gastric cancer that cannot be accurately localized by surgery, titanium surgical clips can be used to mark the lesion locally under direct endoscopic vision. This facilitates the surgeon to locate the lesion easily during the surgery, and thus the surgery can be completed successfully.

In short, titanium clips are mainly used for clamping intracavitary tissues during laparoscopic surgery. Generally, titanium surgical clips are made of pure titanium or titanium alloy. Considering the possibility of postoperative MRI examination of the patient, titanium surgical clips made of either pure titanium or titanium alloy do not interfere with the MRI machine and their magnetic properties are negligible.

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