
Advantages of Titanium Surgical Clips in Endoscopic Surgery

Endoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed through a gastroscope or colonoscope. Compared with traditional surgery, there is no wound on the body surface, less trauma, and faster recovery. However, the wound after endoscopic resection of the gastrointestinal tract sometimes requires endoscopic suturing, and the main tool used for suturing is titanium surgical clips.

Main Functions

Titanium is a biophilic metal that is highly stable and biocompatible with human tissues without causing discomfort. Titanium surgical clips are mechanical devices that utilize the mechanical force generated when the clips are closed to close the wound and block blood flow. In addition to sealing the wound, titanium surgical clips also have the function of hemostasis and localization. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of delayed perforation, bleeding, and promote wound healing. The number of clips depends on the size of the wound.

Rapid Hemostasis

Hemostasis is a crucial part of the surgical process. Titanium surgical clips, with their excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility, can quickly compress damaged blood vessels, blocking blood flow and achieving hemostasis. Compared with traditional hemostatic methods, titanium surgical clips are easy to operate and have a more significant hemostatic effect, greatly reducing operation time and patient bleeding.

Prevent Perforation and Protect Tissues

In certain surgeries, such as gastrointestinal surgeries, where prevention of perforation is critical to the success of the procedure, titanium clips provide physical support to the tissue by tightly securing them to the breach, effectively preventing further tissue damage or perforation from occurring. The presence of the titanium surgical clips also reduces the risk of food and other irritants damaging the damaged tissue, providing a favorable environment for tissue repair.

Postoperative Management

After most endoscopic procedures, the titanium surgical clips are shed and passed in the feces as the tissue at the surgical site repairs. The titanium surgical clips used for intestinal lesions usually fall off spontaneously in about 10-15 days. If the clips fall off too soon, they may cause delayed bleeding, so it is important to watch your diet and minimize your activity after the procedure. After upper GI endoscopy, especially after stomach surgery, the titanium surgical clips may not come off for a short period of time. If they do not come off naturally, the surgeon will remove them during the next review of the gastroscope, so there is no need to pay special attention to them.

In conclusion, the demand for the use of titanium surgical clips is constantly being unleashed. On the one hand, due to its advantages such as less trauma, faster hemostasis, lower re-bleeding rate, and fewer complications. On the other hand, the indications beyond hemostasis and polypectomy are expanding. With the continuous progress of medical technology, titanium surgical clips will play an important role in more fields to protect the health of patients.

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